Saturday 14 July 2012

My first first edit!!

As I said a week or two back, I've completed edit number one of Lila, my first novel.

I of course now find myself in the next stage of a learning process which hasn't in the least tempered the intense pleasure and satisfaction of reaching this point.

Lila is out having adventures with 12 trusted readers - I'm certain those of you who've been through this recognise that feeling somewhat akin to sending your much loved child off to boarding school for the first time. You wouldn't send him or her somewhere which didn't seem safe, but they have passed beyond your control; you can't explain their needs, mediate in tricky situations, they are on their own - gulp!

There is a feedback sheet (it's the bureaucrat in me, I'm not going to apologise!) and the other day I created a document on excel which is ready to receive any comments these lovely people might choose to share. One column already full because this week history happened - the story was read beginning to end for the first time! That felt really good, and receiving the feedback not nearly as daunting as I had anticipated. I'm keeping my shoulders squared though...not everyone will like it; well maybe these guys will, they are friends after all, but the big wide world is a different matter! (No-one is obliged to use the form of course!)

Quite a few months ago I bought a book by Nicola Morgan - Write to be Published but kept it to one side while I worked my way to the end of Lila. Nicola quite rightly wrote it as advice to follow before you pick up a pen but I'm not sure how many folk have the humility or foresight to look for guidance at that stage! In any case, I'm very glad I'm reading it now; she makes enormous sense in clear style and I recommend it wholeheartedly to you budding writers out there.

I knew I needed to grow up and take a business-like approach to putting my story in front of potential agents and publishers and this book is setting me firmly on a path which feels sensible and useful....there is more to say but it's a bit late at night now here in Chipping Norton, so I will stop writing for the time being and enjoy watching Jeff Bridges in yet another great movie (Arlington Road) dishy in this one!

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